NASORLO First Quarter 2017 Update

Here are a few updates on the status of LWCF funding in FY  17 and FY 18, reauthorization efforts so far, GOMESA projections and NASORLO actions and priorities in the upcoming months.
1.  FY 17 appropriations are subject to a CR to be determined by April 28th.  The good news is that the Trump admin. has commented and supports the Senate version of 94 million in state grants and 12 million for ORLPP, we are hoping for that outcome and have supported it by letters.  See attached from our Coalition.. and a response from Interior on our inquiry into the status of ORLPP.. ( We just learned the grants have been reviewed and scored.. and now it is up to Interior and NPS to release the results..)
2.  FY 18.  The Trump administration has suggested that partnership programs in Interior will be supported ( LWCF state grants ) which is good news.  But they have recommended a large reduction in the federal side of LWCF.  We have reason to believe that state grants will be in their budget which will be released in mid May.  Please note the attached Member letter from Congress to the appropriators on LWCF.. Review to see if your state’s House Member has signed on to the letter.  
3.  GOMESA.  Phase II of this program is to kick in in FY 17, but funds are likely not available until FY 18.  As you remember fully funded LWCF for state grants would total 125 million per year, IF receipts equalled 1 Billion dollars.  Original estimates were that 83 million would be available for state grants in FY 18, but more recent estimates are about 60 million.  This amount is added to the regular LWCF State Assistance program.  We are monitoring this and will update you on the website.. Stay tuned.
4.  Re-authorization.  There are two bills drafted which I informed you of previously.  No action yet, but we have hear the House and Senate may bring back Energy legislation, which included different versions of re-authorization. And just today we learned the Sen. Burr has introduced a companion bill to the House LWCF which is a permanent reauthorization.  These actions ensure LWCF reauthorization will be on the agenda for this Congress at some point. None of these are urgent priorities right now, but we will be monitoring efforts over the next months.
5.  NPS modernization.  We have been encouraged that DOI is interested in looking at various rules, etc.. for efficiencies… this may provide us with the opportunity for delegation of key functions and a reduction of some of the bureaucratic requirements.  Our committee will be working on this.. Keep checking the website.  
6.  NGA has sent a letter to Congress and the Administration about the relationship and responsibilities of the federal government in relation to the states.  See below.  We believe the administrative requirements of the states related to LWCF oversight and administration might be crafted as an unfunded, or under funded mandate and may provide us with an argument to allow LWCF allocations to the states have admin. costs as an eligible item each year.  ( Similar to that of the Trails grant program ).  We will be working on that item also )
  • States should be given maximum flexibility to create efficiencies and achieve results. States must be allowed to align, transfer and coordinate funds from similar programs to produce a better return on investment. Federal mandates, even those that are paid for, often ignore state innovation or cost savings that can benefit both states and the federal government.
  • Federal funding decisions should not shift costs to states by expanding unfunded or under-funded federal commitments. Good fiscal policy must consider the effects of federal action on state government to avoid actions that harm the ability of governors to manage state budgets.

Governors understand that a strong, cooperative relationship between the states and federal government is vital to best serve the interests of all citizens and recognize that federal fiscal stability is essential to the long-term strength of states and our country.

7.  DC presence and advocacy.  Since past president Moerschel and current President Imgrund live close to Washington, we expect better in person representation about key issues in the future.  We are prepared to contact key NASORLO members, as needed, to come and support issues and attend key meetings, as they evolve.  Many things are changing in DC and we are prepared to respond thanks to your support for the Dues increase and being prompt in sending them into the organization.

8.  Get involved-NASORLO Board and Officers Nominations.  We will have at least one Board vacancy from your Region to be selected at our 2017 Annual Meeting in Little Rock, on October 18-20th. ( Information on this event is on the website at ) In addition, all the Officers will be elected for a two year term at this meeting.  PLEASE CONSIDER involving yourself and representing your state and Region by being willing to serve the organization.  We can only be as effective as the commitment of the Membership.  Look forward to the solicitation of interest from our Nominating Committee in the next few months.

Org Letter to House FY18 LWCF State Assistance ORLP Program FINAL

Interior Letter to NASORLO or ORLPP

City Parks Alliance House Approps. FY18 LWCF Letter

Rep. Kathy Castor Dear Colleague ORLP Final FY18