NASORLO First Quarter 2017 Update
- States should be given maximum flexibility to create efficiencies and achieve results. States must be allowed to align, transfer and coordinate funds from similar programs to produce a better return on investment. Federal mandates, even those that are paid for, often ignore state innovation or cost savings that can benefit both states and the federal government.
- Federal funding decisions should not shift costs to states by expanding unfunded or under-funded federal commitments. Good fiscal policy must consider the effects of federal action on state government to avoid actions that harm the ability of governors to manage state budgets.
Governors understand that a strong, cooperative relationship between the states and federal government is vital to best serve the interests of all citizens and recognize that federal fiscal stability is essential to the long-term strength of states and our country.
7. DC presence and advocacy. Since past president Moerschel and current President Imgrund live close to Washington, we expect better in person representation about key issues in the future. We are prepared to contact key NASORLO members, as needed, to come and support issues and attend key meetings, as they evolve. Many things are changing in DC and we are prepared to respond thanks to your support for the Dues increase and being prompt in sending them into the organization.
8. Get involved-NASORLO Board and Officers Nominations. We will have at least one Board vacancy from your Region to be selected at our 2017 Annual Meeting in Little Rock, on October 18-20th. ( Information on this event is on the website at ) In addition, all the Officers will be elected for a two year term at this meeting. PLEASE CONSIDER involving yourself and representing your state and Region by being willing to serve the organization. We can only be as effective as the commitment of the Membership. Look forward to the solicitation of interest from our Nominating Committee in the next few months.
Org Letter to House FY18 LWCF State Assistance ORLP Program FINAL
Interior Letter to NASORLO or ORLPP