NASORLO Annual Meeting, Downtown Marriott, Little Rock AR, October 18-20, 2017

The 2017 NASORLO annual meeting is scheduled for downtown Little Rock, AR on Wednesday October 18th through Friday October 20, 2017.  This is great venue for NASORLO’s annual meeting, as there are many opportunities for observing one of the most vibrant cityscapes in all of America with plenty of parks, recreation and trails readily available for use. In addition, the Clinton Library and the Little Rock High School National Historic Site are convenient to visit from the downtown area.  The following is a link to the Downtown Marriott where we have obtained a $ 94 a nite fee for the conference, which can be used from Monday through Saturday, if needed.

In addition, here is a link to the initial draft of the program for the meeting.

2017 NASORLO Conference Schedule-Final

Registration for the conference will be $ 400.  You can pay by CC or by Check.. Go  to the following to complete your registration.