Stateside Partners Letter to Federal Appropriators

Here are the two letters sent on 3-20-12 to the House and Senate Appropriations Committee Chairs deliniating the joint position of the Stateside Partners ( NRPA, NASPD and NASORLO ), seeking a 40% share for state grants and opposing the proposed national competitive grants process. HouseAppropsJointLetter 032012 SenateAppropsJointLetter 032012

Find LWCF projects by State/County here.

Go to and you can find all LWCF state and local projects by County and State.  Follow the instructions on the page.  Total federal grants for that project and for the history of the program for that county and state are listed.

FY 2012 Approved NASORLO Budget ( Revised 2-19-12

Here is the 2012 NASORLO budget approved by the membership at the 2011 annual meeting and subsequent NASORLO Board action, which has been updated and revised as of 2-19-12FYI 2012 NASORLO APPROVED BUDGET

Research: Neighborhood Parks and Open Space Access Encourages Activity in Children

Sometimes it takes academia a while to catch up with things we ‘know’ at a gut level. Case in point: a recent study published in the International Journal of Health Geographics, Tweeted along by childhood researcher and “play advocate” Tim Gill, shows that pre-school kids who live in greener neighborhoods are more likely to play […]

Western Bipartisan view: Public Lands Essential to Economy

New survey finds voters in key western states believe US does not have to choose between environment & economy; support protections for air, water,and parks COLORADO SPRINGS, CO – The results from the 2012 Colorado College State of the Rockies Conservation in the West poll find that western voters across the political spectrum – from […]

New Outdoor Recreation Research released !

The USFS has commissioned several studies of outdoor recreation trends.  These reports are available at the following sites.. Recent Outdoor Recreation Trends Hispanic Americans and Outdoor Recreation If you wish to see the other IRIS Reports, go to t

Research shows growth in viewing and photographing nature as key outdoor recreation trend in past ten years

The USFS has released an assessment of the status of outdoor recreation in the past ten years.  This report outlines trends in outdoor recreation in the nation.  A very valuable research resource.  An excerpt reads.. While motorized activities showed growth up to about 2005, these activities, along with hunting and fishing, and backcountry activities, ended […]

Evidence keeps growing: Parks are needed to grow the economy!

Over 100 economists report that the aquisition and development of parks are needed to grow the nations economy.  See the report which was published in the New York Times on Monday, December 5, 2011.

Economic Impact of Parks and Recreation

Economic Impact of State and Local Parks Summaries for 14 states, including Alabama, Arkansas, Connetticut, Virginia, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Pennslyvania, Virginia and Wisconsin which have been submitted to NASORLO are either summarized below or can be found in the attachments.  In addition, economic data for an additional 20 states, including Alaska, Arizona, California, North Carolina, Colorado, […]

Approved Minutes – NASORLO Board 9-21-11

Attached below are the approved version of the minutes of the NASORLO Board of Directors on Sept. 21, 2011. NASORLO Board 9-21-11EditApproved