What if LWCF expires in October 2018?

There have been questions asked that, if LWCF is not re-authorized by Oct. 1… and is delayed until a later date, what happens to all the requirements/funding.. etc.. The following email from Joel Lynch in a similar situation in 2015 will let you know the program and it’s requirements will continue.. fyi.. State Partners  As […]

Past President Tim Hogsett Retired – June 1

Attached is the letter from President Imgrund to Tim Hogsett which was read to his family and friends during the retirement ceremony on June 1, 2018.  Tim has served NASORLO well, with his recent Board support and the four years of his Presidency.. He led us during some of the most important times in our […]

League of Conservation Voters 1 Million dollar campaign to re-authorize LWCF

Washington D.C. – With the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) scheduled to expire on September 30th, the League of Conservation Voters and state partners today announced a $1 million campaign calling on Congress to reauthorize and fully fund America’s best parks program. The announcement comes days before LCV’s annual Lobby Day on June 6, when […]

Article: Reckoning with History: The devolution of conservation’s trust fund

The Land Water Conservation Fund is set to expire, thanks to a partisan Congress. Adam M. Sowards PERSPECTIVEJune 8, 2018 In 2015, Congress allowed the Land and Water Conservation Fund to lapse. The LWCF functions like a trust fund, where Congress directs offshore oil and gas royalties into conservation projects; it remains very popular across the […]

New Outdoor Recreation Offices.. What are they and how do they relate to NASORLO

There have been many questions about the role of the recently created Outdoor Recreation Offices in the states and how they relate to the work of NASORLO.  The following article about the Advisory Board in Michigan sums up the role of these offices.  In addition, there is also a link to a workshop on these […]

ORLP Grants Webinar.. Free to interested parties

Outdoor Recreation Legacy Program Grants Thursday, May 3, 2018 1:00-2:00 PM EDT, 10:00-11:00 AM PDT The National Park Service has announced the opening of the application process for the 2018 Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program (ORLP), a nationally competitive grant program funded through the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). The ORLP offers grants specifically to help create and […]

NPS Releases Applications for FY 16-17 ORLP Grant Program

Here is an email from Joel Lynch, Chief of Rec. Grants for NPS.. I am pleased to announce the opening of the 2018 Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program (ORLP) notice of funding opportunity which offers nationally competitive grants specifically to help create and improve state and locally-owned park and other outdoor recreation areas in ways […]

NPS Monthly Compliance Call notes and LWCF grants information

Here are the notes from the March call with Emily Ferguson – NPS- There were a couple of items that necessitated this follow up e-mail:  ORLAP – the density requirements have not changed for the FY2017 applications: eligibility is still based on the 2010 Census data identifying urban areas and cities of 50k + people Grants […]

Budget Message and NASORLO priorities update for the Membership – 3-23-18

I had previously sent the Membership this in Feb. 2018: …. The next 9 months are crucial in maintaining the momentum to create Equity in the distribution of the LWCF for the states and territories.  We have made significant progress in the past 3 years, but with reauthorization and the budget issues in Congress, we cannot […]

New Economic Impact Numbers for Outdoor Recreation – Feb 2018

On Wednesday ( Feb 14th ) , the federal Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released numbers detailing the economic power of the outdoor recreation industry, showing it comprises 2 percent ($373.7 billion) of the entire 2016 U.S. Gross Domestic Product.It’s an impressive figure puts it on the scale  like construction (4.3 percent); legal services (1.3 percent); […]