A section for those who want to support the state grants portion of LWCF and are actively engaged in advocacy or assisting in securing matching funds for state and local projects.

50th Anniversary LWCF Commerative Cooperative Proposed !!

50th Anniversary LWCF Commemorative Cooperative Proposal SORP, in partnership with the National Recreation and Park Association, National Association of State Park Directors, National Association of State Outdoor Recreation Liaison Officers, Tread Lightly, and the National Association of County Park and Recreation Officials, has signed a joint letter to the Secretary of the Interior.  We propose […]

New Secretary of Interior Jewell ” Big Believer in LWCF State Assistance”

Written by: Joel Pannell, Advocacy and Outreach Specialist, National Recreation and Park Association Last Tuesday NRPA President and CEO, Barbara Tulipane, met with the new Secretary for the Department of Interior (DOI), Sally Jewell, to discuss the federal agency’s role in championing community parks. NRPA has an enduring interest in cultivating a relationship with any DOI […]

Research shows living near parks make a difference

Thanks to SORP for publishing the following: Living Near a Green Park; The “Life-Satisfaction” Factor Courtesy of the Bird Education Network by Paul Baicich Living near a park — an urban park with green space, one that is nature-filled and bird-filled — can make a difference in lowering mental distress and raising a feeling of […]

State LWCF Data Pages for 2017

Scroll down and find, within the category of Data Pages Available for States,  are located the latest 2017 summaries of the benefits of the LWCF, with special focus on the State and Local Assistance Program for outdoor recreation.  Thank you to the National Recreation and Park Association ( NRPA ) and to those states responding […]

History of LWCF from it’s inception to 2014

Here is a link to a Congressional Research Service update report of 2014 on the LWCF.  It gives a very good overview of the program and it’s history, including annual appropriations and percentages.. It is worth looking at and printing for your reference and advocacy purposes.   https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/RL33531.pdf

Find your state’s most current State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan

The following link to the Society of Outdoor Recreation Professionals ( SORP ) takes you to your state’s outdoor recreation plan.  Go to: http://www.recpro.org/scorps

Veterans Comment on the value of the outdoors to healing and addressing why LWCF needs to be fully funded!

See these short videos from Vet Voice Foundation members sharing their view on why Congress needs to continually support full funding of the Land and Water Conservation Fund. Rex Hegdahl – Washington  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1dK6ojzdNs&sns=em Andres Lazo – New Mexico  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqDr0Cx4m1g Bernie Digman – New Mexico  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8NlDEM_yMw Vitali Mostovoj –  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7jB_B6hxAI Martin Ledezma – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7jB_B6hxAI Tom Mullins – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7jB_B6hxAI  

National Economic Impact of Outdoor Recreation released.

The Outdoor Industry Association has released national data on the economic impact of outdoor recreation.  Go to the link below to find specific state by state outdoor recreation economic impact data. http://www.outdoorindustry.org/advocacy/recreation/economy.html

Low Income neighborhoods lack key amenities and maintenance to be used for youth activity

The Inequality of Playgrounds By Emily Badger Low-income, minority neighborhoods in cities are often heavily disinvested places, with less money spent there on road repair, civic infrastructure or cultural projects than in other parts of town. This pattern, it appears, may even extend to public parks, with the result that the children who need exercise […]

Blueways designation, a AGO priority opposed by Republican Western Congressional Caucus members

Interior considering GOP request to rescind ‘blueways’ The Interior Department said this week it was evaluating a Congressional request to rescind a conservation initiative that designates rivers and their associated watersheds as national blueways. Seven senators and 18 House members had written Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar February 14 to request cancellation of the program, […]