Funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund: Three Next Steps

A victory for conservation may be imminent. Congress looks poised to pass a bill that will provide stable annual spending streams from the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) for the foreseeable future. If the bill passes, the entire $900 million that goes into the fund each year, most of it from offshore oil and gas lease […]

More – Full Funding LWCF.. A Money Issue??

One day after President Trump tweeted his support, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is expected to take steps today to bring to the floor legislation that would permanently fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund and address the national parks maintenance backlog, senators said. McConnell will move to bypass the Energy and Natural Resources […]

Hope for Public Lands and Outdoor Recreation Grants Funding an Assessment

March 4, 2020 After a dizzying series of announcements in a 24-hour window, two critical, long-sought components of public lands funding are closer to becoming a reality. On Tuesday, via Twitter, President Trump called for congress to send him a bill that would provide full and permanent funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund, which allocates […]

S 500 to be introduced today ( 3-4-20 ) Full and Dedicated Funding for LWCF !!

Here is the latest.. from Alex Schaefer of TPL Last night we heard that the overall support in the Senate and the momentum from the last few weeks has paved the way for a new stand-alone package that will include full funding for LWCF and Restore America’s Parks Act (ROPA – S.500). The new joint […]

ORLP Webinar Link on March 12

Here is the link to sign up for the ORLP Webinar on March 12th..

Northeast Region LWCF workshop, March 26, 2020

The NASORLO NE Region is offering a one day LWCF grant administration training in Albany, NY on March 26, 2020.  See the following flyer for detailed information. They invite you to join your peers from other NE Region states and representatives of the National Association of State Outdoor Recreation Liaison Officers (NASORLO) at this inaugural […]

2021Administration Budget for LWCF

Newly released federal budget negatively impacts LWCF and the NPS..

ORLP for 2020 Announced

State Partners Thet 4th  call for proposals for the Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program was posted into on Friday January 31, 2020. The Opportunity Number is P20AS00029 and can be found at the following link   The goal of the program is to support acquisition and/or development grant projects that create or reinvigorate […]

Outdoor Trends are Troubling.

  Outdoor Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the Outdoor Industry Association, just released its 2019 Outdoor Participation Report. It tracks trends in recreation over the previous year. People still are getting outdoors. The report points out a “modest” 1.4% increase in participation between 2016 and ’18. The gender gap shrank, too, as more women went outside. […]

11.7 Million in LWCF Urban Parks Grants Announced

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date: 12/27/2019 Contact: National Park Service Announces Grants for New Park Development and Improvement Projects in 18 Cities WASHINGTON – The National Park Service today announced the selection of Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership (ORLP) program grants for projects to develop brand new or improve existing parks in 18 economically disadvantaged urbanized areas in 16 states. […]