Special Edition of ” Good News in Parks ” – LWCF funding … 1 PM Oct. 26th – MARK THE DATE AND REGISTER !!

Fwd: “Special Edition”, Good News In Parks! – October 26th (1:00pm-2:15pm). Eastern Time.  Answer questions and receive information on the revitalized LWCF.   No cost to register.. See the program details below to find out how to register.  The show offers professionals the opportunity to earn CEUs accredited by (IACET) International Association of Continuing Education and […]

Some in Congress are proposing changes to LWCF

An Opinion Letter from Representative Paul Gosar AZ The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) has for more than 50 years been the federal government’s primary form of land acquisition funding billions of dollars in new land buying and supported state grant programs. Over the last five years, the program has been subject to much […]

GAOA Podcast Values and Benefits

Outdoors Act Is Law, Part I — By Cort Jones and Roxanne Sutton | Posted on September 8, 2020 Last month, we witnessed history as the Great American Outdoors Act was officially signed into law. This legislation will definitively fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). LWCF is the most important source of […]

How the GAOA passed Congress… An Overview from the Start to the Finish!

For an article on how the Great American Outdoors Act, a long desired goal for parks and recreation advocates, passed recently, go to the following link to the LWCF Coalition web site. https://www.lwcfcoalition.com/blog/the-great-american-outdoors-act-from-start-to-finish?fbclid=IwAR3m0QSWNg5JZBex0OoiW-mtYtE73YfJb393c9kKxEcxBeJv6B-yyr7KTeE

PlayCore/Game Time state and local parks/recreation funding information and sources.

The Game Time corporation has a 55 page guide to assist you in finding options for funding parks and recreation projects in your state and hometown.  Go to the following link, fill out some information and they will allow you to download this guide.   Go to  the link and follow the instructions to get your […]

Passing the GAOA is Just Beginning for the Outdoor Recreation Industry

Passing the Great American Outdoors Act was a huge accomplishment for the outdoor recreation industry and the thousands of businesses, large and small, that makeup the $778 billion recreation economy. Now that this huge achievement of fully funding the Land and Water Conservation Fund and allocating real funding for federal land management agencies’ deferred maintenance […]

Washington State Report on the Economic Impact of Outdoor Recreation

People spend $26.5 billion annually in Washington to enjoy their favorite outdoor activity, according to a report released on July 30. The report, titled “Economic Analysis of Outdoor Recreation in Washington State,” found that residents and tourists spend $18.8 billion annually on outdoor recreation trips, including trips to local, state and national parks. In addition, […]

Statements on the Great American Outdoor Act signed into law today, August 4, 2020

Article and Post from the Wilderness Society 8-04-20 Official Press Release… “Great American Outdoors Act” signed into law, permanently guaranteeing full LWCF funding WASHINGTON, August 4, 2020 — With today’s signing of the “Great American Outdoors Act” into law, the Land and Water Conservation Fund is now permanently and fully funded at $900 million a year, something […]

House Passes the Great American Outdoors Act ! President Lanterman Comments..

Washington (CNN)The House voted on Wednesday to approve a sweeping and historic conservation and public lands bill that President Donald Trump has pledged to sign into law. NASORLO President, Linda Lanterman KS had this to say about this effort: “The passing of this landmark bill is a true testament to the power of grassroots efforts […]

Hoyer sets House vote for HR 1957 – GAOA – for July 22 !!

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) yesterday released plans for the coming weeks. Francis Chung/E&E News The House has set a date for consideration of the “Great American Outdoors Act,” along with spending and defense legislation. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) announced last night that lawmakers would debate and vote next week on a […]