NASORLO Annual Meeting, Downtown Marriott, Little Rock AR, October 18-20, 2017

The 2017 NASORLO annual meeting is scheduled for downtown Little Rock, AR on Wednesday October 18th through Friday October 20, 2017.  This is great venue for NASORLO’s annual meeting, as there are many opportunities for observing one of the most vibrant city scapes in all of America with plenty of parks, recreation and trails readily […]

DC Visit and Information from June 2017

NASORLO Members.. ( June 15th, 2017 ) Here is an update on last weeks meetings in Washington DC and what we need to do over the next few months related to advocacy for the State Assistance Program of the LWCF. The Admin. Budget will have a downward impact on all Interior Approps. The fact the […]

State Data Sheets for 2017

Here is a list of state data sheets on the LWCF prepared for your use.  These sheets give you the benefits of the state grants program and shows how this program benefits each of the states.  These sheets can also be printed to use with the NRPA Park Champions program which seeks local events at […]

One page summary of NASORLO position on LWCF funding and Re-authorization for 2017

  NASORLO encourages Congress to continue the federal investment in the LWCF State Assistance Program – a state and local partnership  creating parks close to home.  A key purpose of the LWCF Act was to help preserve, develop, and assure access to outdoor recreation facilities to provide recreation and strengthen the health of U.S. citizens […]

NASORLO and other Testimony for Senate Approps Committee FY 18 Budget

The following is the NASORLO ” ask ” for the FY 18 Budget to the Senate Appropriations Committee.. and the attached file is the complete testimony.. Overview of Funding Request: As outlined below, we encourage you to continue the federal investment in the LWCF, especially as it relates to the state and local partnership created […]

NASORLO Leadership 2022-23 and link to Members

NASORLO Leadership and Officers – 2022-23 Elected Oct 2022 ( of term expiration ) President, Doug Beck, SLO ME, ( 2023 )  Outdoor Recreations Supervisor, Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands, 124 State House Station  Augusta, ME  04333-0124,  Telephone: 207-624-6090  Fax: 207-287-3342 Vice President,         Eric Feldbaum, ASLO […]

Administration Budget targets LWCF, State Grants and GOMESA

The Trump administration would scale back significantly on new federal land acquisitions and revenue-sharing partnerships with states, while seeking new oil and drilling opportunities in the Arctic, under its fiscal 2018 Interior budget proposal unveiled today ( 5-23-17 ). The White House has requested $11.7 billion for Interior in fiscal 2018. That’s slightly more than […]

State Assistance Program FY 17 Funded at FY 16 Level

It was announced in the Congressional Budget deal the LWCF would be reduced 50 million to 400 million, but the State Assistance grants were left at the FY 16 levels of 110 million dollars.. which is 28 percent of the total.  Our goal is equity, or an appropriation that equals the federal share of 40% […]

New Economic Impacts of Outdoor Recreation by state released

Follow the link to the new economic impact data released by the Outdoor Industry Association.  Total impacts are 887 Billion annually and the report list it by state.

NASORLO First Quarter 2017 Update

Here are a few updates on the status of LWCF funding in FY  17 and FY 18, reauthorization efforts so far, GOMESA projections and NASORLO actions and priorities in the upcoming months.   1.  FY 17 appropriations are subject to a CR to be determined by April 28th.  The good news is that the Trump […]