LWCF ….Maintain the old, or buy the new ?

It should be noted a recent survey showed state LWCF grants program has only been using 15% of it’s allocations for acquisition and that 75% is used for infrastructure updates, expansion and major maintenance… ed. note..   Article.. Daily Sentinel – Grand Junction, CO.  ” Maintain the old, or buy the new ? When your car […]

NASORLO LWCF Advocacy Tool Kit Update 10-15-20

THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW!  To ensure LWCF  and GOMESA funding remains robust for the state and local outdoor recreation grant programs. The following are materials to be used to support the State Assistance Program of the LWCF’s ongoing funding for FY 21 and beyond   You will find  information in these materials needed to […]

Is there a Controversial 6 (f ) conversion in your future ??

The following are two items of interest related to possible changes and threats to park land conversions in the future.  The first is language proposed to be inserted into the new Infrastructure legislation that addresses LWCF and the second is a prediction by NRPA that other conversions and threats to park lands are becoming evident.  […]

Training update – November 2017

The following gives you some information on the issue of Training discussed at the 2017 Annual Meeting in Little Rock.  A training Committee, chaired by Eric Feldbaum NH is developing priorities and action items to address the needs as expressed by members. A Training Survey was completed by NPS in 2012.. See below attached.  From […]

Park Champions Materials and Information to use

Here are materials to use related to the NRPA Park Champions local parks advocacy effort.  A program NASORLO strongly supports. Park Champion website Park Champion Advocacy Toolkit NRPA fact sheets and resources    (note that we are in the process of updating and redesigning all fact sheets) Park Champions PP presentation Oct. 19th

LWCF Distribution Parity for Territories and DC introduced..

Today, Rep. Bordallo introduced the LWCF Parity for Territories and DC Act, with all 6 Members of Congress representing U.S. territories and the District of Columbia as original cosponsors: Resident Commissioner González-Colón (R-PR) Rep. Holmes Norton (D-DC) Rep. Radewagen (R-AS) Rep. Sablan (D-NMI) Rep. Plaskett (D-USVI) Press Release: https://bordallo.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/bordallo-introduces-lwcf-bill-fully-fund-public-parks-and-outdoor This noncontroversial, bipartisan bill would simply provide a […]

NASORLO Leadership 2018

Here is the file with the new NASORLO Leadership and Board Members elected at the 2017 Annual Meeting in Little Rock. NASORLO Leadership 2018

NASORLO Annual Meeting Proceedings, Summary and Materials

Here are the handouts and materials, plus a summary of the 2017 Annual Meeting in Little Rock.  Keep looking and more materials will be added as they become available.. Conference Update for you.  Our registration numbers were up a bit from 2016, with 37 states being represented and voting.  Comments from participants indicated an excellent balance […]

City Parks Alliance Promotes Parks as vital Infrastructure through video and media activity ( Nov 2017 update )

City Parks: America’s New Infrastructure – Transportation is the third video in a five-part series documenting the role of parks as critical urban infrastructure. Li near parks, including bike and walking trails, provide multiple benefits to cities from transportation options, to connecting communities, to spurring private investment. “It’s time to recognize the diverse benefits of city parks,” said […]

DOI Grants being examined… especially land acquisitions with LWCF

Spotty grant tracking draws watchdog’s fire Michael Doyle, E&E News reporter Published: Thursday, September 28, 2017 Some Interior Department officials are tussling with the Office of Inspector General over the department’s failure to standardize the tracking of hundreds of millions of dollars in grants used for land purchases. The behind-the-scenes bureaucratic conflict, percolating for months, […]