ORLP Grants Webinar.. Free to interested parties

Outdoor Recreation Legacy Program Grants Thursday, May 3, 2018 1:00-2:00 PM EDT, 10:00-11:00 AM PDT The National Park Service has announced the opening of the application process for the 2018 Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program (ORLP), a nationally competitive grant program funded through the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). The ORLP offers grants specifically to help create and […]

NPS Releases Applications for FY 16-17 ORLP Grant Program

Here is an email from Joel Lynch, Chief of Rec. Grants for NPS.. I am pleased to announce the opening of the 2018 Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program (ORLP) notice of funding opportunity which offers nationally competitive grants specifically to help create and improve state and locally-owned park and other outdoor recreation areas in ways […]

NPS Monthly Compliance Call notes and LWCF grants information

Here are the notes from the March call with Emily Ferguson – NPS- There were a couple of items that necessitated this follow up e-mail:  ORLAP – the density requirements have not changed for the FY2017 applications: eligibility is still based on the 2010 Census data identifying urban areas and cities of 50k + people Grants […]

Budget Message and NASORLO priorities update for the Membership – 3-23-18

I had previously sent the Membership this in Feb. 2018: …. The next 9 months are crucial in maintaining the momentum to create Equity in the distribution of the LWCF for the states and territories.  We have made significant progress in the past 3 years, but with reauthorization and the budget issues in Congress, we cannot […]

New Economic Impact Numbers for Outdoor Recreation – Feb 2018

On Wednesday ( Feb 14th ) , the federal Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released numbers detailing the economic power of the outdoor recreation industry, showing it comprises 2 percent ($373.7 billion) of the entire 2016 U.S. Gross Domestic Product.It’s an impressive figure puts it on the scale  like construction (4.3 percent); legal services (1.3 percent); […]

2020 NASORLO Annual Business Meeting Files and Attachments – ( Updated with Zoom videos & Summaries 1-15-21 )

Submit Payment The NASORLO Annual Business meeting was held on Tuesday, Oct. 13th, from 2 PM to 5 PM Eastern Time.  The following attachments were presented, action taken and issues discussed.  Highlights and survey results will be posted by the end of the month.. Keep checking.. A. NASORLO 2020 Annual Business Meeting Final Agenda 10-09-20 […]

City Parks Alliance – Mayors for Parks List

The following are the 45 Mayors who make up the Mayors for Parks Coalition.  This group seeks to encourage funding for parks in urban and metropolitan parks and work closely with NRPA, NASPD and NASORLO through the City Parks Alliance and other state LWCF Coalition partners.  They are actively seeking other city mayors to join […]

Find out the Economic Impact of Local Parks Here !!

Here are key findings from research conducted by NRPA and the Center for Regional Analysis at George Mason University for the Economic Impact of Local Parks Report. ****************************************************************************************************************************** America’s local park and recreation agencies generated $154 billion in economic activity in 2015, nearly $81 billion in value added and more than 1.1 million jobs that boosted […]

Fred Hayes, Utah SLO passes away

Sad news for NASORLO and Utah.. Fred Hayes, State Park Director and Utah’s SLO passed away unexpectedly last week.  See the following.  NASORLO’s condolences go out to the Hayes family, Utah State Parks and to his other friends in that great state. Fred Hayes, Director of the Utah Division of Parks and Recreation, has Passed Away

State Leaders for Outdoor Recreation Offices in the States described

The Outdoor Industries Association has produced a white paper describing the roles of the newly created leadership offices for outdoor recreation.  The report describes the efforts in Washington, Utah and Colorado.  Five other states have created this position recently. The main purpose seems to be as follows.. ‘ A dual focus of economic development and […]