New Study…Local and Regional Parks are a 140 BILLION dollar impact on the Economy – NRPA

A recent NRPA sponsored study showed that spending at local and regional public parks contributed almost $140 billion in economic activity and generated nearly 1 million jobs in 2013. These numbers enhance an already robust list of reasons why public parks are important partners to their communities.

These results are from the recently released Economic Impact of Local Parks, the first-ever nationwide study that measured the economic impact of local and regional parks. This is not to say park agencies large and small have not conducted similar studies on their own. In fact, a number of local and regional park agencies have estimated the value of the economic activity their system has had on their local community, focusing on spending, tourism and property values. Until now, however, no study has tabulated the combined economic contributions of the thousands of local and regional park agencies throughout the United States.

So, What Do the Findings Mean?

The $140 billion estimate of economic activity represents the direct, indirect and induced effects of local and regional park agency spending on the U.S. economy.  We already know parks are important contributors to their towns, cities and regions. Millions of people personally benefit from their local and regional park agencies in many ways — gathering places to meet with friends and family, open spaces to exercise and reap the benefits of clean air and water, and community resources where one can connect to others and nature. These benefits manifest themselves in NRPA’s Three Pillars.

Before this study, park and recreation professionals already had a strong message about public parks being on the forefront of conservation, health and wellness, and social equity.  Now, these study results combined with NRPA’s Three Pillars are further proof that investments in local and regional parks also spark economic activity that ripples well beyond the initial spending to create jobs and prosperity in our communities and throughout our nation.

The Study Leads To An Even More Compelling Public Parks Message

Before this study, park and recreation professionals already had a strong message about public parks being on the forefront of the Three Pillars of conservation, health and wellness, and social equity.  Now, these study results are further proof that investments in local and regional parks also spark economic activity that ripples well beyond the initial spending to create jobs and prosperity in our communities and throughout our nation. The Three Pillars, almost $140 billion in annual economic activity and almost 1 million jobs reaffirm what we know about our parks agencies: Local and regional park and recreation agencies are important assets that turn our neighborhoods into vibrant, connected and healthier communities that also spark economic prosperity throughout our nation. This is the compelling public park story that we need to share with everyone.

For a link to the entire study, including your state’s economic data, go to..