2-22-17 Latest NASORLO Update to Members

2016 ORLPP – Of the 55 project submitted last summer 36 were recently deemed eligible for scoring.  A panel is being selected to review them.  Bottom line.. it will be awhile  before announcements of the final approvals and before projects can begin. 

2017 Budget – The Senate version has 110 m for state grants and the House has 80 million.  Best guess is it will be finalized before the end of April when the existing CR ends.  NASORLO and our advocates are pushing to have the Senate version prevail.

2018 Administration Budget and LWCF.  Our best guess is LWCF will be zeroed out in the President’s budget.  We will need to work hard to keep any level of state funding in any approved 2018 Budget.  A key NASORLO priority.

Update LWCF Materials.  For advocacy and the projected battle over LWCF funding and re-authorization, NASORLO is working with NRPA to update the materials on the benefits and scope of LWCF on local, urban and state communities for use in the coming months.

LWCF re-authorization.  Our best guess right now is this will not be a priority in the new Congress, but will be dealt with before the 2018 election.  

NASORLO presence in DC.  President Imgrund PA and retired President Moerschel spent a day working on behalf of NASORLO in DC recently.  They met with the City Parks Alliance, NRPA and National Wildlife Federation officials seeking consensus and support for the priorities listed above.  It is anticipated that other visits and meetings in DC in the coming months will be vital to stay on top of LWCF issues and challenges.  

LWCF Reauthorization – Need for an urban component.  It is becoming clear that there needs to be an urban component in any LWCF re-authorization.  ( As an example, note Sen. Schumer’s bill to use 20% of GOMESA funding to be set aside for urban grants in the last Congress ) We have been working with CPA and the Mayors for Parks plus other city advocates to come up with a proposal for all to support.  We anticipate some proposal to come forward and be discussed by the Board and most likely a key topic at the Annual Meeting in October in Little Rock. 

LWCF State Advocacy.   As I mentioned NASORLO and NRPA will be seeking to update any information on the benefits and activities of the LWCF in state, urban and local communities.  NASORLO members, especially those in key states will be asked for information so we can compile the strongest advocacy materials and information.  We will be seeking Eco Impact data, any articles or testimonials, etc.. to have available for developing testimony and informational materials.  Your prompt attention to these requests are appreciated. 

NPS Requests and Challenges.  NPS has sent out a request ( see the complete request in the Member Section of the NASORLO website ) for input on the definition of Conversions and to rank the top 3-4 post-completion compliance related questions.  Please respond by the March 17th deadline !!!!

GOMESA Phase II.  This component is slated to go into effect in FY 18, which earmarks 12.5 % of all funds, to a maximum of one billion dollars annually, specifically for the State Assistance Program.  NASORLO will be monitoring this legislation and seeking it’s full implementation.  It should be noted this fund is NOT subject to appropriation !!!  Which means it is off budget.  We do not know what amounts will be available, but it is important Phase II is implemented as passed… a top NASORLO priority !!

2017 NASORLO Annual Meeting – Little Rock, Arkansas, October 21 – 23.   Please mark the date and plan to have your state represented, as this is expected to be a very important meeting, with many critical issues to decide.  If you are interested in being a NASORLO Board Member or Officer, please let us know and attend this meeting !!  

Federal Hiring freeze impact on LWCF.  One of NASORLO’s key priorities is obtaining better feedback and response from NPS related to LWCF. We have supported the grants staff requests for more assistance and they have been able to hire into recent vacancies.  But we know they need more help ( note the delays in many administrative issues and  ORLPP ).  We are concerned they will be hindered by this freeze.  NASORLO will do what we can to be advocates for them, but we ask that you all be patient as we work through these issues with DOI and NPS.  

Thats all for now..  Keep checking the website for the latest information and be prepared to respond for requests from NRPA, Congressional staff and NASORLO related to the benefits and activities of the State Assistance Program in your state.

Doug Eiken, Exec. Dir.


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